
MMC Careers/Vacancies


166 Heaths Rd, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029

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03 9749 6666

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General Practitioners

Mossfiel Medical Centre is looking to recruit VRGP. 

Please forward your CV to :

Div 1 Nurse

Div 1 Nurse is responsible for the delivery of basic practice nursing services care to the practice population. Supported by doctors within the practice, they will deliver care within the boundaries of their role, focusing on supporting patients to be healthy, monitoring long-term conditions, health prevention and screening activities. They will work collaboratively with the general practice team to meet the needs of patients, supporting the delivery of policy and procedures, and providing nurse leadership as required.

Clinical practice

  • Implement and evaluate individual treatment plans for patients with a known long-term condition.
  • Identify, and manage appropriate, treatment plans for patients at risk of developing a long-term condition.
  • Prioritise health problems and intervene appropriately to assist the patient in complex, urgent or emergencies, including initiation of effective emergency care.
  • Support patients to adopt health promotion strategies that encourage patients to live healthily and apply principles of self-care.
  • Deliver opportunistic health promotion using opportunities such as new-patient medical.
  • Provide information and advice on prescribed or over-the-counter medication on medication regimens, side effects and interactions.
  • Support patients to adopt health promotion strategies that promote patients to live healthily and encourage principles of self-care.
  • Assess and care for patients presenting with uncomplicated wounds
  • Support and advise women requesting information relating to family planning needs.
  • Support and manage health needs of women presenting for cervical cytology consultations.
  • Recognise, assess and refer patients presenting with mental health needs following the National Framework (NSF) for Mental Health.
  • Implement and participate in vaccination and immunisation programmes for both adults and children.
  • Advice, support and, where appropriate, administer vaccinations for patients travelling abroad.
  • Promote and deliver evidence-based care for patients presenting with aural conditions.
  • Assist senior practitioners in providing minor-surgery sessions.


Mossfiel Medical Centre is looking for a qualified Dietitian.

Please forward your CV to :